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SCCAN Annual Gathering Edinburgh

04 February 2017

Starts: 09:30
Ends: 16:30

From the latest SCCAN (Scottish Communities Climate Action Network) newsletter:

We are excited to invite you to our Annual gathering on February 4th 2017
9.30 - 4.30 in David Hume Tower, George Square, Edinburgh  EH8 9JX.

It will be a day packed with inspirational and informative talks, workshops, and space for you to share as well!

Transition Edinburgh will host a social event in the same venue on the evening of February 3rd, with guest speaker Paul Allen, Director of the Zero Carbon Britain project at the Centre for Alternative Technology (CAT) in Wales, who will share his experience of moving ideas into action.  Register if you wil be in Edinburgh on Friday and wish to attend.

The day will include keynote speeches and workshops such as

  • Building regional momentum – learning from Fife CCAN network - and applying it to your region
  • Community Energy / Community Enterprises experiences - How we got stuff done - feeding back from existing projects
  • Update and consultation - what's going on with policy in 2017?
  • Adaptation projects - what are they and support for getting them started

There will also be an Open Space where you have the choice to bring and discuss the topics most urgent and interesting to you and your group.

Booking with Eventbrite  is now open.  You can also visit http://www.scottishcommunitiescan.org.uk/gathering2017/ for up to date information on the event.

Do you have something you would like to share at the gathering?  There will be space to exhibit information about your project/group, so please bring it along.
We're also looking for SCCAN members to be part of a small panel giving short presentations (5 minute) on one of their projects. This will be a friendly informal session for sharing learning and experience, so even if you've never done something like this before, please do consider it.  Let us know if you are interested as soon as possible.

Keep your eyes open for the invitation to the gathering, and hopefully see you on February 4th!

We are part of the rapidly expanding worldwide Transition Towns movement. The Black Isle is a peninsula of about 100 sq miles ENE of Inverness in Scotland, UK.